Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Sick! and Trip to Doctor

Well it turns out that my hoping Kae was better was just wishful thinking.  I knew by Sunday night/early Monday morning that she was not all right at all.  She spent most of the night crying and holding her ear.  I spent most of the night feeling helpless to comfort her pain. :( I of course called the doctor in the morning and got an appointment.  Turns out she has strep throat and possibly a ruptured ear drum.  There was so much fluid and junk coming out of her ear that you couldn't really see in her ear.  She is on meds now and hopefully no one else will get it and we will all be healthy soon.  I'm so ready for normal family life.  This little bit of sickness has reminded me how fortunate we are to have such healthy children. Thank you, Jesus!

5 minute Busy bags

So after calling the doctor yesterday morning, I lamented the fact that I still hadn't made the busy bags I had been planning to make.  (I've been thinking, I needed to make these for months but never gotten around to it.) I thought man would they come in handy today as I always try to take something for the kids to do. I had pinned several busy bags posts on Pinterest and I thought let's see what we can come up with in just a few minutes.  Since we were headed to the doctor and Kae was sick, I wanted things easily cleaned/sanitized or disposable.  After looking at all the posts, I used one of their ideas (The nuts and bolts).  Apparently felt and pipe cleaners are big in busy bags and I didn't have either.  We will have to pick some up for when I make more bags. Here is what I came up with.

I didn't really have a plan with the cotton balls and toilet paper roll but figured we could fill the roll up with balls or shoot them through. They didn't play with that one or the nuts and bolts but really enjoyed the rest. The other cotton ball bag is a game.  I had printed numbers on construction paper and had them pull out one paper and then count out that many cotton balls. Kae really liked that one (I think I will make that again with the colored puff balls for our "official" busy bag collection.)

Josh liked spinning his cars.  If they didn't fly off on their own he would throw them off.

I think one of the reasons I took so long to make busy bags was I thought they would be a lot more work then they actually are.  Next I need to stop procrastinating on freezer meals.  Having one ready to go would sure would of been handy yesterday as making dinner when you're exhausted is not much fun.  Anyone have any good recipes for those?

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