Sunday, January 20, 2013


More fun

So I think I used to be more fun.  Or at least I remember myself as being fun.  Growing up, in college, even as a new mom, I think I was more fun.  But now that we have four it seems like we are just getting through the day.  With all the stuff (chores) that have to get done, it seems like there is hardly any time for fun or at least fun for me.  So this year, I want to have more fun.
Side Note: This is in no way a New's Year Resolution!!!!! I don't believe in those (probably because by February I've already failed or forgotten about them). 
One of the ways, I want to have more fun is to try new things or retry things. I want to get out of my rut! Last year I discovered I like mushrooms (who knew!), uncooked tomatoes aren't too bad (I will never just grab one and bite it though) and lobster isn't so good. So this month, I tried again to make pizza.  Before my pizza crust had always turned out.....hmmm, how do I phrase this....BAD. But after quite a discussion (or two) with my sister and friend Jamie, I decided to give it a try.  So long story short, I made pizza this Friday for family game night.  Crust #1 turned out ok (oddly shaped but tasted fine) and crust #2 turned out, dare I say "good" or at least "pretty good." 

I forgot to take a pic before we dug in.  This is pizza #2. 

Next month I am going to try making bread (I don't know what is more fun than bread!). And we will be planting trees. Which I am also very excited about.  

Also I am going to try and play with the kids more.  Less chores, more play!  (Ok, I'm not sure if we can really swing that.  Maybe less Facebook, more play). It seems like all my energy is focused on tending to their needs and the needs of the house, that I have lost my ability to just have fun. I found this great printable from Pinterest and we have started playing. 
Here is the link for these. Ways to Play Monthly

Our Year in Pictures

So last night, I was playing on Pinterest as everyone else was already in bed and it was only 9:30!  After clicking on a link, I found this blog called Joy's Hope. I started looking through her other posts and saw her idea to take one picture every day for the whole year. She would caption it and use Shutterfly to put them all together. (That post is here). So I decided to try something similar.  Since it's already January 20th and I don't have a picture for each day I decided to try and get 3+ pictures a week.  I created a share site on Shutterfly so I can post these pics every week or two.  I'm captioning them and leaving the date on all of them so I can see my whole year in pictures.  I'm so hoping I can keep this up. My kids are quickly leaving the little stage and I want to remember this time. If you want to follow along here is the link to the share site

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